Oesophageal Cancer

Esophageal or Oesophageal Cancer develops in the oesophagus -a tube that carries food and liquids from mouth to stomach. It usually develops in the cells that line the inside of oesophagus and can spread in any area. Oesophageal Cancer is diagnosed more in men than in women. It involves two types of cancers:

  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Cancer that develops in the squamous cell that lines the oesophagus and usually affects the lower and upper regions of oesophagus.

  • Adenocarcinoma – Cancer that grows in the mucus-secreting glandular cells of oesophagus.


Early-Stage Oesophageal Cancer

Early Oesophageal cancer usually does not cause any symptoms.


Locally Advanced Oesophageal Cancer

A stage where cancer has spread into the tissues but has not spread to other body parts.


Advance Oesophegul Cancer

When cancer has spread from food pipe to other parts of the body. 


Symptoms of Oesophegul Cancer

Following are the signs of oesophegul cancer- 

  • Severe cough and  throat swelling

  • Hiccups

  • Sickness and Vomiting

  • Pain in bone and joint

  • Blood in oesophagus

  • Tiredness



Oesophegul early-stage cancer can be treated with endoscopy treatment or with esophagectomy. And for treating cancer ranging from 1 to 4 treatments like radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy either in combination or solely can be used to treat cancer.

For more information or diagnosis, book your appointment at Anand Cancer Hospital today!